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关于”发明灯泡“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Invention of light bulb。以下是关于发明灯泡的中考英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Invention of light bulb

At this moment, she seems to be light hearted and knows who is joking. The ink prepared on her high-rise dress makes her clothes more full of stains or spots. If she throws a corner on the ground now, she looks like a shy girl and blushes like a fat man.

Maybe she feels embarrassed to live half of her face with a white cloak. Maybe she thinks she has done it like this This helpless and timid to come out, it seems that kind and shy, so she tried to do the best thing, frowning, it was much faster than just now, her little face red face floating on the top of the mountain again, the sky looked cold again, looking at the horizon, she appeared again, hey, how can you look like two different people and the sunset in front of you, close and look, is the moon displayed by Yin Guangshan Bright and dark, silent around.




Before the invention of electric lamp, candle, kerosene lamp or gas lamp were widely used as lighting tools. Edison's decision to invent the electric lamp was that he read a lot of books about electric lamp, and determined to create a cheap and durable electric lamp. Edison seriously summarized the experience of previous lamp making failures and formulated a detailed test scheme.

After several tests, Edison finally decided to make carbon filament the most famous invention in the century, It is also Edison's most brilliant contribution to mankind.




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