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关于”我要怎样才能到“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:How can I get there。以下是关于我要怎样才能到的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How can I get there

I usually go home by bus or motorcycle, but tonight because of money, I have to walk home because of money, because at night, the streets are desolate, my shadow, the beautiful trees in the morning have turned into the curved shadows, plus the atmosphere becomes very strange, but I am not afraid that because of the sudden running out of a dog on the road and pedestrians, I am scared. When I look at it carefully, the sky is mine Pet dog, how to run here, I picked it up, with a companion in my heart, and walked a lot faster, unknowingly back home.




How to keep healthy in our daily life, keep healthy is very important, just like there is no healthy body, how to keep healthy is useless, here are some suggestions you should follow first, exercise as much as possible, form a good life and bedtime habits, then, away from alcohol, cigarettes, drugs must be responsible for, and finally, when you feel bad If you have any good suggestions, please share with me.




Compromise courses, focus on doing, contribute their own speed: for example, soon they will see their dream rocket. Although the rocket encountered a lot of difficulties in his voyage, Mike tried his best to get one that he looked at me with his eyebrows (raised, raised eyebrows, raised eyebrows, because Jessica said, "from this article, we can know" "about this article This article implies that "from this article, we can infer" suggest infer identify information. Therefore, in addition, at the same time, there is more overlap: "first, second, third, first, second, third (Abstract Abstract Abstract).

In short, we can never emphasize the meaning of too much written language: some are opinions, the second is English OAVOAhttp://wwwverycdcom/topics// Through training, everything is possible.




标签: 高分 四年级 作文 年级 范文

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