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关于”努力后的收获用“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Harvest after hard work。以下是关于努力后的收获用的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Harvest after hard work

When I was a child, I believed in fate and thought that I was fate, so I went crazy on the Internet. I remember one time, in the fifth grade at that time, he studied very seriously. On the day of the examination, he bought a silver pen and got the first place in the class.

I was cancer. At that time, the lucky color was silver. I was so happy that I thought this book was too accurate Sure, I believe in fate more.

I didn't use the silver pen until the sixth grade college entrance examination. The test was still very good. Until now, on my first day, I still used a silver pen every time.

I couldn't help asking my mother. My mother said, "this is nonsense. That's good, because you worked very hard at that time.

I'll buy you a paper. You have to finish a job. It's very simple.

You can't do it at the beginning If you have no intention to learn, it will lead to poor test results. If you can predict the fate of people, why there are so many things after failure in the world, let me change before so naive. Yes, good harvest is always after hard work.

Let's do our best and have a happy harvest for a week.




We all know that the only way to achieve the goal is to work hard. As the saying goes, "no mill, no food". Have you ever met a man who has achieved success only by idling around? The answer is "no".

So we know that if you want to gain something, you will harvest the fruits of farmers hard work a year ago. Scientists have made achievements through years of research. Students have achieved good results through hard work.

Even ants can get food by working hard day and night Things. They know that there are always some people waiting for opportunities to come to them. They may attribute failure to the lack of good opportunities.

There are so many people who ultimately get nothing. Smart people know that the more efforts they make, the greater the chance of success. Therefore, when others have realized their wishes and you still have nothing to gain, don't complain about the unfair fate, don't give up, and don't forget: no pay, no gain.





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