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关于”有关前后变化“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Relevant changes before and after。以下是关于有关前后变化的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Relevant changes before and after

Ten years ago, my hometown was a poor and dirty rural family. We usually didn't have enough to eat. Sometimes our family went to the wilderness to dig wild vegetables and cook soup.

At that time, the mortality rate in my hometown was very high. Many people died of starvation. Many people escaped from their homes and lived in big cities.

Today, many high-rise buildings have been built. People have never been hungry. On the contrary, they sell food to them He city, who fled ten years ago, came home to make money today.

I'm a businessman.




First of all, the lack of investment in rural areas is the main reason for the problem. For example, China has a large land area. Due to the attention paid to the development of coastal areas, the government has invested more funds into big cities, such as Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou.

This is undoubtedly investment. The economic and commercial growth of these cities has tripled, but this is not the case in rural areas and western regions. Insufficient investment hinders production Power and economic development have exacerbated the gap between urban and rural areas.




The characteristic of the city is that the urban architecture, as the most reflecting factor of the times, society and nation, is the comprehensive embodiment of the national tradition. Walking in the Bund Financial Street, Nanjing East Road Commercial Street, Xujiahui villa and garden, you can feel the prosperity history of Shanghai in recent years. From Shanghai's opening to the international metropolis, China's important economic, trade, financial and cultural center, and special development opportunity Encounter, make western culture, Shanghai local culture and China's regional culture collide, coexist with each other, and merge, thus making Shanghai integrate the essence of Chinese and foreign culture.

Shanghai has become the birthplace of China's modern architectural culture, has a unique architectural culture history, Shanghai's modern architectural style is rich, almost covers all the buildings in the history of World Architecture, and it can be said that they are constructed. It has become a living history of World Architecture, from neoclassical architecture, Gothic architecture and eclectic architecture to the number of European and American popular modernist architecture, decorative art architecture and neoclassical Chinese architecture. The complexity and grand scale of these architectural types are incomparable in the world.

They fully reflect the evolution of modern society and cities, and also serve us A key to understanding Shanghai culture and modern Chinese history.




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