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关于”谈谈自己对课的看法()“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Talk about your views on class ()。以下是关于谈谈自己对课的看法()的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Talk about your views on class ()

As we know, foreign fast food is very popular in China, especially in YONGGU. Because of its advantages, foreign fast food is cleaner, more convenient and has high service quality. In my opinion, it is different from Chinese fast food.

It is usually eaten for a short time. I think it is delicious. But my parents do not allow me to eat so much because it is full of fat, energy and nothing to keep healthy.

First of all, I think about foreign fast food. Don't eat too much.




In most schools and universities, examinations are used as the main means to determine whether a student is successful in mastering a certain subject. Although it completes the work effectively, its side effects are also enormous. The least desirable effect is that examinations encourage bad learning habits.

Scores are the only criterion to measure a student's academic performance. A student is forced to memorize mechanically rather than think creatively. Examinations do not motivate students to seek more knowledge, but limit their reading ability.

Examination can not make him study consistently throughout the semester, but cramming learning during the examination week to lower the teaching standard, because teachers themselves are often judged by the examination results, they are often judged by the examination results, they are reduced to training students' examination skills, and no subject can be taught successfully only through intentional examination. In fact, few of us admit that examinations can play a very important role in students' academic development. If so, why can't we change it and design something more effective and reliable than examination.





Considering the advantages of wearing school uniform, I fully agree that school uniform should be a necessity for students, because clothes play an important role in our daily life. Many students want to show off themselves in this way. School uniform helps students avoid comparing with others in clothes.

For example, my friend flora was born in a poor family with parents They are laid off, so she can't afford to buy fashionable clothes like her. When she lives with students in school uniform, she will feel uncomfortable. Now she is no longer looked down upon.

She has eliminated her negative emotions and stands out among her classmates. I highly value school uniform, which can always bring us benefits.




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