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关于”圣诞节发生的事情“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:What happened at Christmas。以下是关于圣诞节发生的事情的六级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What happened at Christmas

Christmas is the day when Jesus Christ was born. People all over the world celebrate and worship this day. Santa Claus will come out to give presents to children.

Christmas cards and decorated Christmas trees are everywhere. Carols of Christmas songs reverberate in the air. I am not a Christian, but I also enjoy the atmosphere of Christmas.

I wish you a happy Christmas.




That night, I had an unforgettable Christmas, and I was waiting for a gift from my mother. When she came home, she brought back three Christmas boxes full of presents. My grandparents didn't know what they were.

Mom laughed and asked us to choose one. We each took a box. Grandma's box had some small sweet oranges, and my grandfather's box had a big apple with the words "peace".

I would like to know that I soon opened the box and saw ten cherries inside. I was very excited because they were my favorite fruit cherries. I felt sweet and happy.





That night, I had an unforgettable Christmas, and I was waiting for a gift from my mother. When she came home, she brought back three Christmas boxes full of presents. My grandparents didn't know what they were.

Mom laughed and asked us to choose one. We each took a box. Grandma's box had some small sweet oranges, and my grandfather's box had a big apple with the words "peace".

I would like to know that I soon opened the box and saw ten cherries inside. I was very excited because they were my favorite fruit cherries. I felt sweet and happy.





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