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关于”文化的含义“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The meaning of culture。以下是关于文化的含义的专升本英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The meaning of culture

It is a fact that Chinese traditional culture is beginning to attract the attention of the world. Although traditional popular culture, which is traditionally considered to be western, has begun to spread in China, in particular, Kungfu has had a huge impact on millions of people who first learn about China through Kung Fu. They may come to China to learn about other aspects of this culture, such as traditional opera in Beijing and Sichuan, Asian people Ethnic groups have long known the greatness of ancient Chinese culture.

Their own culture is a mixture of local culture. Korea and Japan have long adopted the culture with Chinese characteristics such as Confucianism. This power comes from the thoughts in the four Confucian books (University, the golden mean, the Analects of Confucius and Mencius).

These books are based on the ideas of the ancient times, and these ideas are incorporated into the five classics and Western culture China has taken measures to establish Chinese cultural centers in the United States and Europe in order to promote the spread of Chinese culture.




It is better to use the theory of economic development to adjust our view of "righteousness" today. We should learn to be a good man on the basis of doing good people, and we should learn to be good people on the basis of being good people After being able people like Bill Gates, we should set up a national moral standard in a new era according to the requirements of the times.




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