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关于”父母的工作题目“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Parents' work problems。以下是关于父母的工作题目的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Parents' work problems

My father is a teacher. He works very hard and doesn't have time to do sports. My mother likes reading books.

She doesn't have enough exercise, or she doesn't have enough exercise to make them do more exercise. I plan to use my lucky money to buy a VIP card from the fitness club as a New Year gift for my parents. I hope that with the help of VIP card of fitness club, they can spend more time exercising and make them healthier.




People's life, we need to thank a lot of people, it is because of them, the world will become so beautiful, I want to thank my parents, great and extraordinary emissary parents, gave me precious life of parents, let me come to this beautiful planet of parents, with love under my protection to hold up an umbrella, leave the good for us, at night, we all sleep, have two familiar body I want to thank my parents. I would like to sincerely say to my parents: "you have worked hard" afeb9ee7ad.




Thanks to our parents, I think my parents are the most important people in my life. It's not because they are rich or famous. What I value most is their care and love for me.

Although my parents may be very hard-working, they are always at my side whenever I encounter difficulties and need help urgently. In order to support me and encourage me, I learned from my parents that a person can really make a difference and I will never forget them when they are gray haired, wrinkled and dignified in their life and work It's time for us to express our gratitude to the people we cherish.




标签: 初中 英文 作文 万能 父母

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