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关于”打篮球的好处“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:The benefits of playing basketball。以下是关于打篮球的好处的小升初英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The benefits of playing basketball

Everyone has many hobbies. Some people like to collect coins and stamps. Some people also like sports and music.

But my favorite sport is basketball. I think playing basketball can exercise my body. It can make me relax.

It's interesting. It can keep me healthy. However, I know it is unwise for me to spend a lot of time playing basketball, but I like it because it is very useful in my life.




Everyone has many hobbies. Some people like to collect coins and stamps. Some people also like sports and music.

But my favorite sport is basketball. I think playing basketball can exercise my body. It can make me relax.

It's interesting. It can keep me healthy. However, I know it is unwise for me to spend a lot of time playing basketball, but I like it because it is very useful in my life.




We ran around the basketball court to play better in the game. Finally we started playing basketball, we beat the other team, although we were all tired, we were happy and proud.




标签: 小升初 英文 作文 真题 好处

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