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关于”及个人兴趣“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:And personal interests。以下是关于及个人兴趣的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:And personal interests

Nowadays, more and more college graduates complain that graduation is not equal to employment, and it is difficult for them to find a satisfactory job. In my opinion, there are four reasons for this phenomenon: first, graduates are lack of experience, most of the time they study in school, lack of relevant employment training, and they realize that it is difficult to find employment after graduation. Second, the competition among graduates is becoming more and more fierce.

Some students look for jobs they like, but I think we can't just look for a good job according to our own interests Make. Graduates should take part in some social activities and carry out special training for themselves. If possible, when they graduate and apply for jobs, they should pay more attention to the accumulation of experience rather than the starting salary or benefits of accumulating experience.




I would like to share with you my views on part-time work. I think students have to work part-time on weekends or during summer vacation. If we make money by ourselves, we will not feel pressure.

This not only brings us independence, but also gives us confidence. What's more, by engaging in part-time work, we feel that we are connected with the society. After leaving school, we can easily adapt to the society.




Note: in this section, you can write to the principal in a few minutes. You should write at least a few words according to the Chinese syllabus given below: I am writing to make some suggestions on our teaching and campus life 13asa sophomore from the Department of mathematics, I am very satisfied with the current situation of my university, but I.


说明:在这一部分,你可以用几分钟的时间给校长写信。你应该根据下面给出的中文大纲至少写几个字:,我写信是想对我们的教学和校园生活提出一些建议 作为一名来自数学系的大二学生,我对我大学的现状非常满意,但是我。


标签: 作文 万能 专业 个人 兴趣

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