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关于”写给家人的明信片“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Postcards to family。以下是关于写给家人的明信片的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Postcards to family

Living in the concrete jungle, XX Street XX, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, we have to admit that our busy luxury life is eroding our soul. Only by being close to nature can we regain vitality, return to our true self, breathe fresh air, smell flowers and listen to sounds. In the sound of birds and flowers, we can release our tension and listen to birds and streams The sound of flow, we can release our tension, purify the annoying things in our hearts, form the water journey, we can also understand the cycle of life, we can learn to be a good person from the quiet mountains, we can learn a lot when we enjoy the comfortable atmosphere of nature, we can see nature as a great book and pay attention to it In this book, we can feel it 2 suddenly, it is unpredictable.

Natural disasters are usually ferocious and have great destructive power. Disasters lasting for a long time and short time, including many factors, will cause casualties, huge property losses and a considerable degree of chaos. The longer a disaster or event lasts, the greater the threat to the victims and the impact of the event The bigger it is.

Another major feature that affects the extent of the disaster is that people get dear friends. This is a harrow from Sydney. I have been here for two days and have a good time.

I stayed in a hotel not far from downtown Chinatown, and today I went to places like beaches, museums and zoos, and took a trip. After I visited the opera house, we took a boat tour of Sydney Harbor. The weather in the southern hemisphere is very good, and the scenery is very beautiful.

It's autumn. It may be the best time to travel. The mild weather and blue sky are very suitable for me.

I miss you. I'll see you when I come back.





An image of the dust stirred up in the spring cleaning process may feel worse before you feel better, but it may indeed be a way for the universe to show us the benefits. In contrast, we live in a dualist world, so we may need to go through two situations to find our perfect balance. Once the impurities are removed, you You can experience a relaxed or clear sense of vision and purpose, and as you move towards your goal in the world, you will find it effective.




Dear friend, this is a hello from Sydney. I've been here for two days and I enjoy it very much. I stayed in a hotel not far from Chinatown, which is in the center of the city.

I went to some places today, such as beaches, museums and zoos. After visiting the opera house, we took a boat tour of Sydney Harbor. The weather in the southern hemisphere is very good, and the scenery is very beautiful.

It's autumn. It may be the best time to travel. The mild weather and blue sky are very suitable for me.

I miss you very much. I'll see you when I come back.





标签: 雅思 英文 作文 家人 满分

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