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关于”郑爽“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Zheng Shuang。以下是关于郑爽的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Zheng Shuang

My favorite actress is Zheng Shuang. She is very kind. She always does charity for those who need help.

She is a girl from North China. She is very young and beautiful. She sings and performs very well.

Now she is very popular on the screen all over the country and even all over the world because she has been selected as a leading actress. She has participated in many TV programs in the past.




Bitches (glee version) merry castie hates the world today. You're so nice to me, but I can't change trying to tell you, but you look at me like an angel in the new century and sweet yesterday. I pray you must be relieved to see the softer side.

I can understand how confused you are. I don't envy you. I have a little bit of everything.

I'm a whore. I'm a whore Child, I'm a mother, I'm a sinner, I'm a saint, I don't think assamurdi is your hell, I'm your dream, I'm nothing between the two. You know you won't want it, so accept me, which may mean you have to be a stronger man.

Don't worry, when I start to make you nervous, tomorrow I'm going to go to the extreme, I'll change, today is not what I'm a whore, I'm a child, I'm a mother, I'm a sinner, I'm a saint, I don't think ashamedi is your hell, I'm your dream, I'm nothing, you know you don't want any other way when you want to, you let me I think it's cool to know the seasons have changed. You do what you do. Don't try to save me.

I'm a whore. I'm a child. I'm a mother.

I'm a sinner. I'm a saint. I don't think assamurdi is your hell.

I'm your dream. I'm not here. I'm a bitch.

I'm a pain in the neck. When you get hurt, I'm your angel when you suffer. I'm numb.

I can't say I don't exist. You know I don't want another way.




Like a star, like a star across my sky, like an angel falling from the page, you appear in my life, feel I will never be the original, like a song in my heart, like the oil in my hand, oh, I really love you, but I don't know why, I don't argue with anyone like this, except you, we always blow my heart I can't describe your expression. You make me feel like I'm still alive when everything else is fading. There's no doubt that you're by my side.

Heaven has been gone for too long. I can't find the lyrics to write this song. Oh, your love, I'm still thinking why, I won't argue like this, except you, we've been doing this all the time, blowing out my thoughts, and I've understood this matter Actually, it's no secret, because we've been through it before, and since tonight, I know you're the only one, I've been confused, in the dark, and now I understand, I want to know why, I won't argue with anyone except you like this, I want to know why, I won't let go of anyone but you, we always do Do, let me upset, like a star across my sky, like an angel falling from the page, you appear in my life, feel I will never be the original, like a song in my heart, like the oil in my hand.




标签: 高分 三年级 作文 年级

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