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关于”父母教育方式的重要行“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:An important line of parental education。以下是关于父母教育方式的重要行的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:An important line of parental education

The difference between China and the United States lies in the different teaching objectives of basic education in the two countries: = China's primary education will develop children's intelligence, with children's high score as the primary goal. In the United States, the purpose of primary education is only one: to cultivate children's creative attitude towards performance. A bad report card will make them subject to pressure from all sides However, most students have different views on China.

Knowledge: Education in China pays attention to the accumulation of knowledge and the cultivation of students' respect and authority for knowledge, as well as the inheritance of knowledge and the construction of knowledge system. The United States pays more attention to the cultivation of students' practical ability to use knowledge The expansion and creation of knowledge express different knowledge attitudes: static and dynamic differences between Chinese education and American education, which reflect the differences between the two static views of knowledge.




It is necessary for children to know what they are doing. It is helpful to cultivate children's sense of responsibility by exposing them to hard experiences that are not easy to make money in life. A sense of gratitude can temper children's perseverance in learning.

Everything is an external force. Success is a counter load. Don't deprive children of the opportunity to practice gratitude.

You can do something for your children, but you must let them know It's what he should do. We can't let children develop the habit of doing housework. Every parent hopes that his children will respect him.

But in a very short period of time, the critical moment for the formation of values, but don't let him exercise habits is second nature. Once formed, he must experience pain to change, and develop good habits from childhood. The idea of hoping children to grow naturally is not appropriate In fact, the essence of education is training and training.

It is a little accumulation. We should keep everything to love. We need to cultivate the seeds of love to say that we know filial piety and raise children.

This shows how ungrateful the children are. That kind of care let the children know how they come from. All those who have helped him keep the children in my heart all the time Engrave to find opportunities to repay, remember who helped him, he can stand firm in the society.




It's common for parents to spank their children because they think eating is a good way for their children to learn and perform well. One of my neighbors made very strict demands on his son and scolded or slapped him severely. Whenever he is lazy or disobedient, he said, don't use a stick to destroy the beating of children.

It's a way to treat children with violence, which does more harm than good to children's physical and mental health. However, beating children is common in our life. Many children are disabled because their parents beat too hard.

Some children lose their hearing, some become lame, some children have inner hatred for their parents and protest to run away. Others may become so afraid of their parents that they are seeing their angry parents, a mother For example, she even killed her son because she was not satisfied with her study. Similarly, it is not uncommon for a child to kill his parents because of the extreme conflict between them.

In this case, how can children learn and grow up healthily? Most of the time, after giving birth to a child, parents will be tortured by remorse and remorse and beat their children. They will be very sad for the rest of their lives, but it is too late. How can they restore their disabled children to health? How can they alleviate the pain in their children's hearts? It is so easy for us to say that beating hurts the children and their parents, which is definitely a bad way Let children learn and behave well.

Children are also human beings. They have self-esteem and should be respected. Parents should understand a truth.





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