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关于”化学实验“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:chemical experiment。以下是关于化学实验的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:chemical experiment

The first step is to remove the magnesium oxide on the surface of magnesium oxide. The second step is to burn alcohol on a magnesium lamp and hang it on asbestos paper. The third step is that the burned magnesium reacts with oxygen in the air to emit dazzling light and give off a lot of heat, resulting in white smoke producing white magnesia powder.

The fourth step is to react with nitrogen in the air to produce a small amount of gray green magnesium nitride.




Electrolyze water to prepare at least 2 liters of distilled water for the battery. Put two different wires into the water. At the end of the wire, use two poles to extend the end into the water.

Observe with two test tubes to understand why the volume of one side is larger than that of the other side. Conclusion: water is composed of H and O. the volume of O is more than H O by two mole ratio H (H = h, o = O).


电解水制备至少电池2升蒸馏水将两根不同的电线放入水中,在电线末端用两根电线杆将其端部伸入水中,用两个试管观察,了解为什么一边的体积比另一边的体积大。结论:水是由H和O构成的,O的体积比H O多两摩尔比H(H=氢O=氧)。


"Treat the residue (which has been intercepted by the plastic method), add ml of chloroform until the residue dissolves in a heat-resistant glass funnel. Use quantitative filter paper to collect the filtrate and weigh it continuously in a pan. Therefore, the filter paper is extracted and washed with chloroform repeatedly with chloroform, and the filtrate is put into the pan, and then the evaporating dish of the filtrate is placed in a water bath until the volume of the filtrate is less than mSv or in the pan When entering the oven, keep the temperature in the evaporator at + C, then take out the pot to cool for min, weigh and weigh the residue of chloroform extract.




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