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关于”改变世界的一项发明“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:An invention that changed the world。以下是关于改变世界的一项发明的托福英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:An invention that changed the world

The most harmful invention is the plastic bag, which has a history of about several years, but it has a terrible reality: buried in the mud and not digested for several years, the advantages of plastic bags are cheap and convenient, while the disadvantages of plastic bags are that they pollute our environment. Therefore, modern governments try their best to limit the use of plastic bags. They formulate policies to prevent free plastic bags and encourage people Use material items that can replace plastic bags, such as paper bags.




Invent every day because people want to make life easier. There are some famous inventions, such as television and bicycle. TV provides us with all kinds of information, so that we can learn more about the world by watching entertainment programs.

Some learning programs help us learn. Bicycles are very useful. We can also ride bicycles to school or work.

It does not pollute our environment. It is good for our environment. More importantly, it is good for our environment Cycling is good for our health.

It's cheap. Although there are many great inventions, I want to invent a pen that can help us write faster and tidier when we have problems with homework. It will tell us how to solve these problems.




The latest invention uses a small scanner that plugs into the audio input jack of a mobile device, and when swiped, it reads information on the credit card. The information is not stored on the device, but encrypted and sent to the bank through a secure channel. Basically, any mobile phone can act as a cash register, accept payment by credit card, you receive a receipt by email, you can access it safely online, you can also use SMS to authorize payment in real time, retailers can create a payer account for their customers, thus speeding up the payment process.

For example, cardholders can assign a photo to their card so that they can The photo will appear on the phone for visual identification. Mobile devices with touch screens also allow you to sign in for goods.





标签: 托福 英文 作文 万能 世界

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