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关于”西游记“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Journey to the West。以下是关于西游记的专升本英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Journey to the West

One night, Tang Monk and his three disciples traveled westward and came to a Tongtian River several kilometers wide. Unable to cross the river, they had to put water in a nearby village for the night. They came to a house where a man named Chen Cheng and his family all cried.

Soon they knew that there was a spirit in the Tongtian River. He asked the village to send him a virgin and a virgin boy as sacrifices. This year, when Chen Cheng's turn came, Monkey King comforted the Chen family and promised them that he and pig would play boys and girls waiting for gods At midnight in the temple, the ghost came to the temple and the girl reached for the pig and hit the ghost with a rake in a hurry.

The next morning, Tang Seng and his disciples woke up and found a kilometer long frozen sangzang. When his disciples crossed the river on the ice, he urged his disciples to cross the river to the middle of the river. The ice cracked and the river engulfed Tang Seng.

Tang Seng was captured by ghosts. When the three disciples knew that they were not their opponents and did not come out, they caught up with the ghost. Monkey king had to ask Guanyin Bodhisattva for help.

It turned out that the ghost was a big goldfish in the lotus pond in the South China Sea, which escaped from the Buddha and hurt people. So the Buddha was asked to find the fish spirit. Later, the four were worrying about how to cross the river.

Suddenly an old tortoise came and he said I would live in the river Now you have driven away the spirit that I came back and let me help you cross the river, so four people jumped over. The tortoise came back, and the tortoise took them to the other side of the river.





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