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关于”一篇写自己改变“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Write about your change。以下是关于一篇写自己改变的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write about your change

A lady lost her handbag. An honest little boy found her and went back to her purse and she said, "well, that's interesting. When I lost my bag, there was a dollar bill in it, and now there are 20 one dollar bills." The boy quickly replied, "yes, ma'am, the last time I found a lady's purse, she didn't have any change to reward me."                              .



”                             。


When I was selling second-hand books at our church fair, I had a dispute with a potential customer who was interested in buying Ogden Nash's pocket book, but he claimed that the price of the book was too high, and the other paperbacks sold for 10 cents or 10 cents each. I pointed out that the book was in good condition. Nash was an interesting poet.

He said it was a matter of principle for a good reason. In the end, I agreed to sell the book to him for cents, and he paid his change with a dollar bill.




Selling second-hand books at our church fair, I had a dispute with a potential customer who was interested in buying Ogden Nash's pocket book, but he claimed that the price of this book was too high, and the other paperbacks sold for 10 cents or 10 cents each; I pointed out that this book was in good condition, Nash was an interesting poet, and for a good reason, he said it was an original In the end, I agreed to sell the book to him for cents, and he paid a dollar bill for "keep the change," he said.




标签: 七年级 作文 真题 年级

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