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关于”产品设计“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:product design。以下是关于产品设计的高一英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:product design

I like to do morning exercises. Usually I go for running or gymnastics. This morning I tried to ride a bike.

It felt much faster than running. I could walk farther. I love it, and I think I'll be down the Thames at about six in the morning, everything is so quiet, the only thing I can hear is the joy from my heart and because of my work, I've stopped for a long time, but I'll continue to do it, after an hour of exercise, I'm very helpful, I'm fresh and energetic, and it feels like everything is under control all day.




Fake goods can be seen everywhere. Fake goods imitate famous brand products. Because of the low price of fake goods, people are willing to buy fake products.

The difference between them lies in the raw materials. The former is of poor quality, while the latter is of high quality and comfortable materials. However, the fact is that the Chinese people have copyright awareness and do not know how to protect the rights and interests of consumers.

This is the reason why fake and shoddy products have been popular.




Fake and shoddy goods are quite common in China. These products usually have the same name as the real products or have the same appearance as the products in remote areas. This situation may be worse.

Taobao is full of these fake and shoddy goods. Some unscrupulous businesses confuse fake and shoddy goods. You can't even see the difference between them.

This kind of behavior has caused people's rights and health Great damage. For example, if a consumer buys fake cosmetics, she may be allergic, which may lead to terrible consequences. What's worse, fake goods also exist in the drug market.

A patient accidentally bought a fake product. The reason for this situation is that some people are only concerned about making money, and they don't know the consequences of this behavior will lead to the illegal behavior of the local government against them The rights of consumers must be protected. Only in this way can the market develop healthily and stably, and justice can be carried out.




标签: 高一 英文 作文 产品 满分

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