关于”同学过生日“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Classmate's birthday。以下是关于同学过生日的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。
高分英语作文1:Classmate's birthday
My birthday party I was born in March, so March is my birthday, and then I started to hold birthday parties. I have a birthday party every year. On Saturday, I have a birthday party at home.
Several friends came to my birthday party. Everyone bought me a birthday present. They all said, "Happy Birthday to you." then I said, "thank you very much for your birthday gift.".
On my birthday, my mother made my birthday cake and made some delicious food. My friends helped me put the candles on the big cake. Then we started the party.
How happy I was that day when we sang songs, played games and ate delicious food.
On every birthday, Americans celebrate not only growth, but also the passing of another year. Therefore, the candle is a symbol of life and death, as well as hope and fear. When a person makes a wish on these symbols, he or she will pray for strength to get good luck.
When the person extinguishes these symbols, he or she indicates that he or she wants to obtain a degree and controls everything.
Birthday is just another day, the first day of traveling around the sun. Enjoying the trip is not only a year old, but also a beautiful day of the year. It is full of memories of yesterday, today's joy, tomorrow's dream, with a smile, not tears, with friends to calculate your age, not age.
I'm glad you were born, because you brightened my life and made it full of joy.
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