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关于”劝告别人“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Advise others。以下是关于劝告别人的雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advise others

Dear pen pal, do you like to stay up late to study? Although you may think it's quiet there, nothing will disturb you, but if you always stay up late, it's not good for your health, you will feel tired all day, can't concentrate on class, and may even lead to cancer. I think you'd better go to bed early, get up early and finish your homework. I hope your health is good, your friend.




I think it's important to keep going to school. This has many advantages. First, learning knowledge can broaden our knowledge and vision.

We can learn about world events without going out. Second, continuing to study is a good way to improve our life, because it is very important to find a job after graduation from school. Learning helps us cultivate ourselves.

This is good for our whole life. Therefore, when you come to study, you can learn, You will find the great charm and benefits of knowledge.




One day, a student named Tom was smoking in front of the classroom. Mr. Green, the headmaster, saw the student smoking and asked him what grade he was in.

He told the headmaster that he was in the first grade and that he could not read. Did you see the slogan that the headmaster asked students not to smoke? It's a bad habit for students to allow smoking. We know that smoking is harmful to students' health.

They must get rid of this bad habit as soon as possible.




标签: 雅思 英文 高分 作文

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