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关于”人如其名“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:A man is like his name。以下是关于人如其名的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A man is like his name

A: Hi, Jim, how are you? A: Jim, B: I'm writing a book. B: what's the real book a: B: about the Olympics and Chinese culture B: A: great. OK.

A: B: Yes, Beijing has just held the 10th Olympic Games. It has prospered our culture. I'd like to show our brilliant cultural ideas through my book B: A: introduction to Chinese cultural knowledge.

Everything else is good Well, by introducing cultural knowledge, I want readers, especially foreign readers, to understand China's social values and lifestyle. B: A: good, very good.




This is my friend. Her name is Judy. She thinks the most interesting class is music.

The most exciting sport is playing basketball. Her hobby is playing the piano. This is my friend.

His name is Jack. He thinks the most interesting class is music. The most exciting sport is playing basketball and playing piano is a hobby.




No matter how mean your life is, face it, live it, don't run away from it, call it by its name. It's not as bad as you are. It looks the poorest.

When you are the richest, the nitpick will find faults in heaven and love your life. Even though it is poor, you may have some happy, exciting, glorious time, even in the poorhouse, and the sunset is reflected from the windows of the workhouse The sunlight is as bright as it is reflected from the windows of rich people. There, snow melts as early as spring.

I don't see a quiet person who can live as contented and happy as a palace. The town's poor, in my opinion, tend to live the most independent lives. Perhaps they are just great enough to be acceptable.




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