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关于”我们生活在地球“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:We live on earth。以下是关于我们生活在地球的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:We live on earth

Living in the city or in the country? Some people like to live in the city because of its many advantages. They think that there are more job opportunities in the city. They think that the city life is more colorful and meaningful than the rural life.

There are more modern facilities for people to enjoy in the city. But some people like to live in the city. They say that the rural life is closer to nature and more beneficial In their healthy life, it is quieter there, and the country people are more honest than the city people.

When I was young, I wanted to live in the city to earn enough money. When I was old, I lived in the countryside and lived a comfortable life.




This is the earth. The green part is the land. The blue part is the ocean.

The white part is the cloud. Our earth is very beautiful and interesting. There are rivers, streams, oceans and lakes.

There are mountains, mountains and forests. There are many countries and cities where many people live. You think the earth was very beautiful many years ago.

The earth is very clean, but now there are a lot of pollution on the earth, air pollution, land pollution And water pollution people are cutting down forests, many wild animals, birds and insects have lost their homes, very cruel people are polluting the land, water and aircraft people must stop doing this, we must save the earth, we must save our home.




Nowadays, most people, especially those living in the countryside, want to move to the city, but city life is perfect. Every coin has two sides. In fact, things seem to be more convenient in some aspects, such as job hunting, transportation services, etc.

So the relaxation places like parks and hotels are very attractive, but we have to say that there are some bad places. Our environment is very bad because there are too many people, too much garbage and the air is not fresh. We have to pay a lot of money for our life, including those bad things mentioned above.

We must have a correct attitude towards it. No matter where we are, as long as we try our best, we can create our own sky.




标签: 初二 作文 万能 生活

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