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关于”通知函“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:formal notification letter。以下是关于通知函的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:formal notification letter

Students, the student union will organize a music week in the first week of May. The activities include singing pop songs and playing classical and folk music. If you want to play classical music and folk music, there will also be a music competition.

Please bring your musical instruments. The music competition does not provide musical instruments. Please listen to a song or a piece of music first, and then tell its source.

If you are interested in the activities and want to participate in any of the activities, please register with the student union before April. The activity will be announced later come to great fun student union may.


同学们,学生会将在xx月的第一个星期组织一个音乐周,活动包括唱流行歌曲,演奏古典音乐和民间音乐,如果你想演奏古典音乐和民间音乐,还将举办音乐比赛,请携带乐器,音乐比赛不提供乐器,请您先听一首歌或一段音乐,然后说出它的来源。如果您对活动感兴趣并想参加其中任何一项活动,请在xx月日前到学生会报名参加活动将于稍后公布 来到大乐趣 学生会 xx月。


Hello, Alice, you invited me to go to the cinema with you on Friday evening. The movie will start at 3:00 p.m. and I will arrive before 6:00.

Hello, Amy, you invited me to the English Salon on Friday. I really want to go there, but my mother is ill and I have to take care of her, so I can't go with you. Sorry, Hello, Jans.

There's a net this Thursday afternoon The game will start in the afternoon. We will gather on the playground. Don't forget to bring your tennis racket.




In order to help the people in the disaster stricken areas, attention: on February 2, a snowstorm destroyed roads, railways, bridges, buildings, villages, electricity, telephone in most parts of China, especially in the southern / Eastern / western regions of China, because many people can't go home, they don't have water or food to eat, they need some help. Please join us and support our school's next Saturday The students will raise money for the people in the snowstorm area. We will sing, dance and play music.

The performance will start in the afternoon. Each ticket will cost yuan. All the money will be given to the people in the blizzard.

They will use the money to repair houses, buy medical supplies, medicine, some food and clothes.




标签: 八年级 作文 真题 格式 范文

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