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关于”代沟的经典例子“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Classic example of generation gap。以下是关于代沟的经典例子的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Classic example of generation gap

Nowadays, the generation gap problem is more and more serious, and the phenomenon of poor parent-child relationship is very common. Are these problems caused by busy parents or strict family rules first affect the parent-child relationship. In most families in China, both parents have to go out to work to earn more money and provide a better environment for their lovely children.

Unfortunately, this leads to very little communication between them and stolen children. As these parents always rest in their spare time, their parents and children do not know each other very well, and friction will also occur. Parents' demand for absolute obedience is also an important reason for the generation gap.

They do not try to communicate with their children equally, so it is easy to solve these problems When misunderstandings arise, busy parents should sacrifice their spare time and actively communicate with their children to improve their relationship. At the same time, they can observe their children's behavior to understand their personality, which can reduce their quarrels. In addition, parents should give up their absolute rights in the family as far as possible, and let their children chat with them freely.

Generation gap refers to the distance and contradiction between the elderly and the young. It is a common phenomenon in the world. Generally speaking, it affects the elderly and young people.

The generation gap leads to different understanding and understanding of the world's great changes and new things Therefore, we can say that where there are old people and young people, there is a generation gap, which is natural. But if it is not handled properly, the gap will become larger and larger, affecting the work and the relationship between the old and the young.




Generation gap is the different views and attitudes of different generations on the same thing. What causes this difference? So, it is the rapid change of society that makes many different people receive different education. Therefore, they have different knowledge and experience.

Parents want their children to follow their traditions and traditional rules and values. However, young people like to accept modern rules and values rather than maintain old ones. Each generation has different things to do, and their attitudes towards many things are also different.

Generation gap conflicts always occur. In order to narrow the gap, each generation should be aware of the needs of each other. Have you ever thought that each generation should respect each other, listen to each other's opinions, and discuss problems patiently with each other.


代沟是不同代人对同一件事的不同看法和态度,是什么导致了这种差异?那么,正是社会的迅速变化,使许多不同的人接受了不同的教育,因此,他们有不同的知识和经验父母希望他们的孩子遵循他们的传统和传统的规则和价值观,但是年轻人喜欢接受现代的规则和价值观,而不喜欢维持旧的规则和价值观。每一代人都有不同的事情要做,他们对许多事情的态度也不同,代沟冲突总是会发生 为了缩小差距,每一代人都应该意识到对方的需要,你有没有想过每一代人都应该尊重对方,倾听对方的意见,耐心地与对方讨论问题。


(generation gap) today's teenager is a young adult. He is more mature and responsible than those of previous generations. He is troubled by the test of people's habits in this age group.

This is a disturbing period of self doubt and other periods of self satisfaction. His personality and personality are being shaped. This is a stage in which he is not sure he wants to be independent, He hates his parents' too much pressure.

This attitude and feeling is called generation gap or communication gap. However, this attitude and feeling will follow as he learns how to get along with the world, especially with his parents, siblings and teachers. I remember when I was a teenager, I used to refuse to obey what my parents told me about "to do" and "not to do".

For example, when I continued to play jazz records on the stereo, my father would denounce the music as pure noise and replace it with CDs of classical music. When I insisted on sleeping with my pet dog, I always thought it was very dry Dryness, they immediately said, "impossible," because they think I will be bitten by fleas. This is just a few examples of my parents' unreasonable today.

However, I am the father of a big boy, and I find that I am also exerting pressure on my son with many rules and regulations to make it difficult for him to "swallow". It is not uncommon to yell at him the other day, "why didn't you review your lessons all night How do you do it? It's still wet behind your ears. "I noticed that my son was wearing big underpants that no one could wear, because they were indecent and unseemly.

I immediately ordered him to take it off, and he was very obedient, but this time he put his foot on "what's wrong with the big pants my classmates are wearing. I don't think you have the right to order me to drive them away even if you are my father." When I was a kid, he said, if I was so rude to my elders, I would be beaten up, but I suddenly realized that we are now living in a more free society, and my son's insistence on wearing big underpants is just an example of the generation gap between us, so I gave in, and now he's still wearing huge pants, which is just one example of the generation gap between us 。 So I gave in, and now he's still wearing giant pants.





标签: 初二 高分 作文 例子 经典

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