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关于”金钱与幸福的题目“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Money and happiness。以下是关于金钱与幸福的题目的专八英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Money and happiness

Note: for this part, you can write a composition about money can buy happiness in a few minutes. You should write no less than words. Your composition should be based on the following outline (given in Chinese): the source of happiness, the source of all evils, money can buy happiness.

Different people have different answers. Some people think that money and money are the source of happiness An individual can buy anything he likes with money. In their mind, money can bring comfort, security and so on.

As they think, money is the source of happiness. But many people think that money is the root of all evils. Money drives people to steal and rob.

In order to break the law, many people become criminals It's because they're looking for money. In western countries, there's nothing that money can't buy. Many people lost their lives in hunting.

I think money is a necessity of life. We can't do without money, but even if money is necessary for life, it can't buy happiness. Happiness is not measured by money.

It's a mental state. A person can have a lot of money, and he can buy anything he wants with it. At the same time, he is not happy because he has never been satisfied, or he is asked by all kinds of questions The problem is perplexing.

Therefore, although money is a necessity for a happy life, it cannot buy happiness.





Now, many people in the society think that the more money they have, the more happiness they will get. They will try their best to make money, even if they don't consider the law. But in my opinion, the greatest happiness lies in the satisfaction of the surrounding environment.

As long as we can look at things with a happy heart, we can be happy. It has nothing to do with how much money we have. Therefore, people We should not pay too much attention to our money.

On the contrary, what they should do is to make good use of their money and keep an optimistic attitude.




Money has always been the desire of some people, because most of them get money through honest labor. Their efforts contribute to the welfare of the society and the accumulation of wealth, which brings them happiness. There is no doubt that money brings happiness, especially in modern society.

Various modern dialogues, new fashions and entertainment change with each passing day. They can improve a person's life. He or she has money to buy, but money can never accompany happiness.

Money can encourage those who are weak to indulge in harmful habits, such as drug taking or gambling, and lead to their own destruction if A man who is keen on the pursuit of wealth may lose his mind and go astray. Therefore, one can never count on money for happiness.




标签: 专八 英文 作文 满分 金钱

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