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关于”提高的动词短语“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Improved verb phrase。以下是关于提高的动词短语的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Improved verb phrase

The president of the student union invited someone to make an English speech contest. Finally, he accepted the SBS invitation for giving a speech. It is convenient for someone to call someone in + expectation and blessing====.




Apologize to someone for something, arrive / be at a place and ask for breakfast / lunch / dinner / first / last / at home / at least / at most / at this time at school ". At the same time, at work, on weekends, you can be afraid to be angry with someone, because you are born busy / doing something on the road, once a day on weekdays, once every four years, again and again," so far, each other has A beautiful day, so good, accept it or leave it to keep it good for you, the passage of time is money, this is life. Now what are you talking about, there is a butterfly in your heart, you want it to read between the lines, and the rest is history.

A bird told me that it never rains, but it will concentrate on your own things, stick to it, and there may be worse money Negotiate. Count me off my body. You can say it again.

It's Greek for me to see who's talking. Listen to me. Don't make a mountain out of a molehill.

Put on your formal clothes.




Do you think Mary will quit when she is pregnant "Yes, when the pig flies, she can't give up her career." when the pig flies into other people's hair - "Susan is preparing dinner, but her children are bothering her." Susan "ignore my hair" hit the ceiling - hit the ceiling "when Carol's son got an F on his report card, she bumped into the ceiling." Carol took off other people's socks You should have a look at Tom's new car. It will surprise you. It's amazing.

She had to grit her teeth and give in to the boss's unreasonable request, "force someone to the wall, you to the wall." my mother forced me to go upstairs. She would never let me stay out late.




标签: 七年级 作文 真题 年级 短语

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