关于”我的偶像比尔盖茨“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:My idol Bill Gates。以下是关于我的偶像比尔盖茨的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。
高分英语作文1:My idol Bill Gates
Bill Gates is one of the richest people in the world. He is famous for his personal computer software. Bill Gates was born in Seattle on October 10.
His father, William gates, is a lawyer, and his mother, Mary gates, is a teacher. Bill Gates entered Harvard University when he was old and began his career in personal computer software. There, he developed the programming language basic.
He left Harvard and started his own company Microsoft with his friends. He believes that personal computers are useful in the office and in every home. Finally, Bill Gates married Melinda.
Now he has two children. He likes to play golf and bridge.
Bill Gates was born in a family full of enterprising spirit and vigor. William Henry Gates III was born in Seattle, Washington on December. His father, William H.
gates II, was a lawyer in Seattle. His late mother, Mary gates, was a teacher at Regent University in Washington. Bill Gates, chairman of United Way International, was very good at software in his early years Interested, started programming at the age of 13, and Bill Gates became a Harvard student, where he met Steve Ballmer (now CEO of Microsoft, he was an undergraduate at Harvard University, and Bill Gates wrote a version of the MITs Altair microcomputer programming language foundation.
Did you know that when Bill Gates and Paul Allen were young, they ran Before graduation, he and his childhood friend Paul Allen formed Microsoft Corporation. They planned to develop software for the emerging personal computer market. Microsoft, a company with its computer operating system and lethal business, was founded by Bill Gates and Microsoft For example, Bill Gates convinced IBM to let Microsoft keep MSDOS Microsoft officially announced Microsoft Windows in November at the Plaza Hotel in New York.
In January, Bill Gates and Melinda Gates married. They have three children. Bill Gates and Melinda Gates, a philanthropist, and his wife, Melinda, have married Bill Gates And the Melinda Gates Foundation has donated more than $billion (as of January, to support charitable activities in the global health and learning field).
比尔·盖茨出身于一个富有创业精神和朝气蓬勃的家庭威廉·亨利·盖茨三世于年月日出生于华盛顿州西雅图,他的父亲威廉·H·盖茨二世是西雅图的一名律师,他已故的母亲玛丽·盖茨是华盛顿摄政大学的一名教师,联合之路国际公司的主席比尔·盖茨早年对软件很感兴趣,xx岁时开始编程,比尔·盖茨成为哈佛大学的一名学生,在那里他遇到了史蒂夫·鲍尔默(现任微软首席执行官,当时他还是哈佛大学的本科生,比尔·盖茨写了一个版本的MITS牵牛星微型计算机程序设计语言基础你知道吗,年轻时比尔·盖茨和保罗·艾伦经营着一家名为TrafOData的小公司,并在毕业前将一台电脑卖给西雅图市,该公司可以计算城市交通量比尔·盖茨和微软公司,毕业前盖茨和儿时的朋友保罗·艾伦组建了微软公司两人计划为新兴的个人电脑市场开发软件比尔·盖茨的公司微软因其电脑操作系统和致命的商业交易而闻名,例如,比尔·盖茨说服IBM让微软保留MSDOS A操作系统的许可权,IBM为他们的新个人电脑大门所需要的,从MSDOSOn的授权开始发财xx月在纽约广场酒店,微软公司正式宣布微软Windows,下一代操作系统xx月比尔盖茨与梅琳达·法兰西·盖茨结婚,他们育有三个孩子比尔·盖茨慈善家比尔·盖茨和妻子梅琳达已向比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会捐赠了超过亿美元(截至xx月,用于支持全球健康和学习领域的慈善活动)。
Bill Gates was born on October 10. He grew up in Seattle with his two sisters. His father was a lawyer and his mother was a teacher.
Bill Gates studied in elementary and high school in Seattle. It was during this period that Bill found his interest in writing programs and began to write programs. Later, he was admitted to Harvard University, but he resigned.
Three years after graduation from Harvard, he took all the time He and his friend Paul launched the Microsoft partnership in, which bill and his friend Paul founded in. Thanks to Bill's talent and efforts, Microsoft has developed rapidly, and its software has gained more and more reputation in the public. Bill is also committed to philanthropy.
Up to now, he has donated more than $100 million to establish a fund to support medical security and education around the world. Bill Gates married Melinda France gates on January 1. In their spare time with three children, Bill had a passion for reading and playing golf.
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