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关于”拒绝雾霾“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Refuse haze。以下是关于拒绝雾霾的雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Refuse haze

Traffic accidents happen more frequently. Because of the bad weather, I must be very careful when I cross the road. So every morning, I can only see the buildings dozens of miles away.

The air is dirty because of the haze. My mother told me to put on the respirator. The weather is really bad these days.

I even feel difficult to breathe. When do I go to school, I will pull back the curtains and get foggy Yes, there is fog in the air. We can't see far.

And I hope drivers can drive more carefully and ensure safety.




Pollution haze recently, with the frequent occurrence of pollution haze in China's cities, the topic of air pollution has once again aroused people's attention. The whole city is filled with suspended particulates, which will enter our bodies. Due to the adverse effects of pollution haze, it has a serious impact on our health.

A green and clean environment is not anything else, It has become an important role and urgent problem in our daily life, and we only live on one earth. If we do not work hard to protect our common hometown, we will have no place to settle down. We should take effective measures to rebuild our beautiful urban environment from now on.

I think that the government and the authorities should implement laws and regulations to control the emission of polluting gases. We should enhance the awareness of environmental protection, choose a green lifestyle, and contribute to the environmental protection of our planet day after day.




When winter comes, the topic of haze will never be ignored. Many pictures will make people laugh at these pictures. They will even laugh at themselves.

Even in the daytime, they will live with the poisonous air. People can't see their faces. Many schools choose to stop classes and let students stay at home.

Obviously, haze is a great threat to people's health Threatening this new type of damage is the result of polluters chasing profits and bearing the cost of polluting the environment. Now their descendants have to do so. It's not too late to do anything to protect our planet.




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