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关于”记笔记“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Take notes。以下是关于记笔记的六级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Take notes

Recently, a survey was conducted among all senior students in our school about taking notes in class. The survey shows that the students surveyed often take notes in class, which helps to improve their learning level. However, some people don't take notes.

Some of them think it is more important to pay attention to the teacher's lecture. Compared with taking notes in class, others want to take notes, but they can't take notes due to lack of skills. So I think they need the help of teachers very much.

Because many students don't know how to take notes correctly, teachers should pay more attention to improving students' note taking skills.




Some students think that we students should not clean the school, because it is a job, some think it will make us tired, we will easily become weak, what's more, others think that students should learn better, if we clean the school, it will waste us a lot of time, but I don't agree with them. First of all, as a student, we should not only learn well, But also love work, cleaning school can let us study hard, we cleaner work very hard, why not give her a handout lesson, the most important thing is, we can get exercise from Klein, there is an old saying that "less work, more health" a little work, more health.




With the development of science and technology, life, including our study, more and more people use notes to answer, which is a very traditional method in our study. But in my opinion, more and more students use photos instead of notes. In this process, people's brain is using notes.

We can remember deeply in the process of handwriting. At present, the purpose of learning is to pass the exam Taking notes is a kind of daily practice. Taking pictures can save time, especially in our extensive study.

But as a student, we have to face the real written test. So, we take notes temporarily.




标签: 六级 英文 翻译 高分 作文

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