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关于”写作业“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:do homework。以下是关于写作业的初二英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:do homework

Dear editor of English weekly, my name is Li Hua. I am a student of XXX middle school in xxxxx city. I have encountered some difficulties in English learning.

I feel it is difficult to speak out loud. I have tried my best to overcome the fasting, but I still can't. Please give me some advice from your experience, because I really need your help.

Thank you for your sincerity.




For most students, homework is beneficial. However, in some cases, it is difficult to quantify the improvement in actual learning and education by assigning assignments to students in combination with the most convincing reasons. This is due to a large number of assignments.

The reality is that too much homework is spent on learning tasks, and trying to finish the work can lead to mental fatigue and, if too long, physical fatigue.




Homework is not a teacher to complete and perfunctory, homework is used to consolidate learning knowledge, can be in the body without too much pressure, some people do not do homework because he is lazy or do not know how to complete, or because he has mastered knowledge, can not do homework, for example, some students do not master the basic knowledge very well, should do more homework, more practice Solid and some students point is enough, can do a small amount of homework, but I suggest that students should do more homework, enrich your thinking, let your brain rust, some do not fall down, because this world does not work hard will succeed, is not it? Versatile, please do not take homework as a burden, we will do what students do or other work responsibility.




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