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关于”写三毛的版“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Write Sanmao's version。以下是关于写三毛的版的雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write Sanmao's version

If I can live twice, I would like to be a tree, standing firmly in the dust, without happiness and sadness, half of my body will sleep peacefully on the ground, half of my body will dance with the wind, my half body will provide shade for passers-by, and I will be willing to bathe half of my body in the sun, so quiet and proud, I will no longer rely on anyone, looking for any What.




Echo echo, echo, echo, echo, echo, echo, echo, Echo Park echo vowel echo suppressor echo frequency abdominal echo signal light echo phantom echo gradient echo, and then father explained, "people call it echo, but it's actually living in the music of her voice, an echo that came out a long time ago, when I was resting beside her, for decades Yes, we called in the valley. In an instant, the echo came clearly from the hillside.




Don't look at the wound. One day it will be scarred and the scar will not fade. But if I don't like it, I won't marry a millionaire.

If I like it, a multimillionaire will marry me. I am a beautiful woman. I know that I smile, like spring, and will be moved by people.

He is the flower in his dream. If he doesn't succeed, it will not be a long journey On the way, happiness, but only a few thousand tears, but made thousands of different pain and pain, it can not cry, only time "I am a free man, like the air, to interfere in my freedom of thought, never compromise." after all, happiness is comparative, stay, not strong, but in the heart of the bitterness, cut the pain, my skin depends on However, in saying, "for love, bid farewell to the bitter cup, or let me drink." "I finally understand how important my life is in the eyes of the people I love. I love for a long time, I don't care about it." even death, in addition to the courage to live, because God constantly loves me, I can learn to love the world's ten foot one leaf weeds, and tell the boundless embrace, or It is to put me in front of the opposite station and say to myself: If time can't go back, let it all pass, go with the wind, lock my memory, lock my sadness, no longer think, how can you, happiness is confined, life and death, find the key to come in, sometimes we think he is cruel, can't indulge in sad down, sometimes we want to love our relatives, will be cruel Remember their love to you old, I am old, two people can't walk, put on clean clothes, lie on the bed, close their eyes and say: OK, go together, every time I miss you, the sky falls from a grain of sand and forms the Sahara desert.




标签: 雅思 英文 作文 万能

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