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关于”你想要吃点什么“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:What would you like to eat。以下是关于你想要吃点什么的高一英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What would you like to eat

This summer vacation was the happiest. I spent 15 days in the countryside to help my grandparents do farm work. There, I saw the mountains and fields covered with green plants.

Sometimes I went to the river in the west of the village to swim. The river was clear. Besides doing farm work every day, I also kept a diary.

The children in the neighborhood were very interested in English. They could read and write well, but they could hardly understand it So every morning I spend two hours to help them improve their listening and speaking. They have made great progress.

Their parents think highly of me. Now we should realize that the countryside needs knowledge very much.




I want to be a free and beautiful bird. I can fly in the sky. The bird overlooking the earth is a kind of freedom.

It is a happy and carefree life. There is no pressure and no study. If possible, it is fun and simple.

I want to be a bird. I want to be a free and beautiful bird. The bird can fly freely.

The bird overlooking the earth is all Beautiful and warm feathers, the legendary jade bird is a free bird, a happy, carefree living bird, no pressure, no busy school, happy and simple, if possible, I want to be a bird.




I am a sports fan, because sports can enhance my physique. My favorite sport is swimming. I often go to the swimming pool because my mother is a man who loves swimming.

She swims very well. What's more, I know nothing about swimming in the sand, that is, I have no interest in it. I just set up a swimming circle and started to feel that there is something wrong with swimming It's boring, but I don't know why.

When did I begin to be interested in swimming, so I study hard every day, hoping to swim better. Everything comes to him and waits. Soon, I can not only swim, but also play all kinds of tricks.

Swimming is my favorite sport. I believe that swimming will become the most important thing in my life.




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