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关于”帮助他人的例子“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Examples of helping others。以下是关于帮助他人的例子的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Examples of helping others

Everyone needs help. Everyone can help others. For example, if one day your classmate is on a task, maybe you can help him clean the classroom.

You may ask me why I help him. There is no good way for me. When you are in dute, you are wrong, but you have to go home.

What should you do? I think you can ask your classmates for help Glad to help you, because you helped him, so they will help you. You can also make the classroom bright and clear by helping him clean it. It can make you and your classmates feel good in class, so you will get good grades, so you can see that helping others is helping us.




I went shopping in Haimen last Sunday. When I was walking in the street, I saw many people standing in front of the supermarket. I want to know what happened there.

I went there to have a look. I was surprised. There was a girl on the street with a schoolbag.

The girl was about years old. There was a piece of paper in front of her. It said, "my family doesn't have enough money for me to go to school.

I'm very sad to see that I can't help giving that girl some money. The girl is very grateful to me. She said," thank you.

I'm glad to be able to. " And then I left with a smile that night, I had a dream that I had a lot of money, I did a lot of wonderful things, I helped the poor and the elderly, after the dream, I knew that we should be kind to others, if they were in trouble, we would try our best to help them out of their plight, and then we would be very happy, we would feel that everything was good, then we would be happy There will be a good life, dear friends, strive to be a good person, the world will be better and better.




Help others more or less live in the same society, we get help from others, our parents, relatives, teachers, friends and even strangers, we should help others when they need help, we should pass this love, as long as everyone can contribute a love, the world will become our personal paradise, help others will give We bring happiness and a sense of achievement. We will be very happy to see that we have the ability to help others. In addition, helping others is to help ourselves.

To some extent, one of the most beautiful compensations in life is to help others sincerely. When we get help, I think the appearance of rose and the residue of smell are the best description of helping others.




标签: 高分 四年级 作文 例子 年级

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