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关于”介绍身边的男同学“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Introduce the male students around you。以下是关于介绍身边的男同学的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduce the male students around you

In the school, every student has a desk, and I am also my deskmate. I am a boy. He loves learning.

English is his favorite subject. He likes to help others. When some students are in trouble, he always helps them.

His hobby is music. What he often does is to play computer to search what I think is useful. Middle school students should live like my deskmate A good way of life.




The prime minister in the "revolution" is the first British woman prime minister to pursue a set of policies, which is called "ism". She is the first female prime minister in British history. At the same time, she has set the record of a female prime minister who has been re elected for three years.

The prime minister no longer has any power in such a long time.




Do you know my classmate Mary? She's the craziest girl I've ever met in my life. She's friendly and beautiful. She's helpful and a good person.

But in her study and life plan, she's also a really brave girl. She was born in October in Shanghai. When she started writing, she was only years old.

When she was in school, she graduated from high school. She was known as one of the best English students in the school because she practiced in the summer. Mary wanted to travel to some countries and she wanted to visit her country again.

Conclusion: Josephine is a kind, crazy, brave and friendly girl because she knows how to solve the problems in her life.





标签: 小学 作文 万能 介绍 同学

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