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关于”表达对家人爱的子“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:A son who expresses his love for his family。以下是关于表达对家人爱的子的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A son who expresses his love for his family

We are good at playing basketball, but we are good at playing basketball in the second grade of our high school. She is very good at helping each other. We are all good at playing basketball in the second grade of our school But I like red tenacity, our way is different, we are good friends.




With the development of economy and technology, the problem of spoiling children is becoming more and more common, and the quality of life is getting better and better. Today's children are experiencing more and more happiness. Their parents will give me unlimited pocket money to satisfy them, so as to encourage their children to study harder.

In today's society, children turn to "little princesses" and "little princesses". This is definitely not the result we want to see, because children are going to be the future of our society. It is very important to cultivate their sense of independence and responsibility, rather than lazy parents.

Parents should realize the seriousness of this problem as soon as possible and start to take actions to save their children. Otherwise, our society will eventually move towards a direction that everyone does not want Development face.




There are many ways to express love. I think it's a good way to say I love you on my parents' birthday, so that my parents can know how much I love them. I'm sure that if I often help my parents do some simple housework that I can do, especially when they are tired after work, my parents must feel my love for them.

In addition, I often give my parents a hug because I know that people can relax and feel connected with each other through a warm hug, which is good for their health, but it means that the gift must be an exciting moment for the people I love, and I think I will do it on some special days.




标签: 八年级 作文 万能 家人 美文

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