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关于”影响最大的一个老师“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The most influential teacher。以下是关于影响最大的一个老师的高三英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The most influential teacher

^There is a good thing to mention. When Harry Steele came, he had dinner in a restaurant. Harry worked in a law firm a few years ago, but now he works in a bank with a high salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays back.

When Harry saw me, he came and sat at the same table. He never borrowed money from me. He was eating.

I asked him to lend it to me & and to my surprise, he gave me the money right away. "I never borrowed money from you," said Harry. "Now you can pay for my dinner.".





I don't think I have read a lot of books. I attach great importance to reading a Chinese proverb "opening a book is always a good thing". In other words, reading is always beneficial.

Although I have not been widely read, I can be satisfied that the few books I have read have greatly increased my knowledge. If you want me to say what I like best and greatly affect my life The book, I'm sure I would say it's the Bible; we know that human life is made up of three parts: the first part, the physical life, the second part, the spiritual life, the second part and the third part. I think the Bible has two parts, the Old Testament and the new Testament.

When you read the Bible, you will be amazed at the rich content of the Bible, which covers a wide range of topics: Law, history, prophecy, Gospels, Church history and vision for the future, all in a simple and beautiful language. I've been reading it for many years since a good friend introduced it. It's a chance for me.

I like it. I take it with me wherever I go. Maybe I can read a page or two in every bay, but even if the form is so small, I can learn a lot.

It gives me moral strength and teaches me how to arrange my daily life in one sentence, This book plays an important role in my life. The Bible is not only a great literary work, it is the food for everyone's thinking.




Saving Private Ryan Forrest Gump Winston grooming match stick male Pro Mel Gibson I'm legendary Francis Lawrence Richard Matheson Omega Man / /: (Steven Spielberg): Thomas kenelli (Steven zalien): (Liam Nissen) Oscar Schindler (Ben Kingsley) Itzhak Stern (Ralph) ·Amon Goss (Caroline Goodall) Emily Schindler (embbeth davitz) Helen Hirsch /:///.




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