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关于”写给打工父母的信“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Letter to working parents。以下是关于写给打工父母的信的高三英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Letter to working parents

Dear parents, now I know clearly that both of you are anxiously waiting for me. At this special moment, I can only say thank you for your love for me. I can't express it in words.

Especially since I was in the third year of senior high school, I have been studying hard and achieved success. My college entrance examination has made some progress and everything is very good. I have played my ability in this exam, and I hope you can all relax.

After this exam, I'm going to help you do some housework that I seldom do before. I also want to learn how to cook so that I can prepare a dinner for you two. My parents, everything is fine.

I wish you a good rest.




After dinner, I do some sports, such as yoga. I like to play taborin. I always forget that I always go to the park to play taborin with some friends.

When I am immersed in music, my daily life, I think I am a person who knows how to live a good life. Every morning I get up early and breathe fresh air to keep me healthy. Then I read some articles to improve my Eq.




Dear mother, this is the first time I write to you in English, so I think I should thank you first, you gave me life, you brought me into this world, sometimes I may make you angry, because I did not adjust my mistakes, but I believe I will not do this again, I think I have grown up, I must be able to tell the truth of things, my dear mother, you are the world The greatest person in the world, you are the most important person in my life. The love you give me is the greatest love in the world. My dear mother, I have to stop.

Because my vocabulary is limited, I will write more letters in the future. Then I can write you a longer letter. Thank you, my dear mother, your son, dear mother, this is the first time I use English to give you Write a letter, so I think I should first say thank you, you gave me life, you brought me into the world, sometimes I may make you angry, because I will not adjust my mistakes, but I believe I will not do this again, I think I have grown up, I must be able to say the truth of the accident my dear mother, you are the greatest person in the world, you are the most important in my life The love you give me is the greatest love in the world.

My dear mother, I must stop here because my vocabulary is limited. I will write more letters later. Then I can write a longer letter to you.

Thank you again, my dear mother, your son, great,.




标签: 高三 英文 作文 满分 父母

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