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关于”免费教育“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:free education。以下是关于免费教育的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:free education

Nowadays, it's easy to get lost in free commercial advertisements. A typical example is the make-up advertisements for girls walking on the street. Some salesmen will follow them and tell them to buy free products.

Therefore, girls are willing to come to the store, but they find themselves cheated because the salesmen ask them to pay for free things in western countries Before buying another product, because there is no free food, so we need to work hard to get what we want. In western countries, most parents ask their children to do some housework to get pocket money, because they want their children to work hard to understand that the arrival of the money base is very important for us and pay the price for what we want.




How to learn English well is one of the most important languages in the world. How do you learn how everyone learns English in different ways? The best way to improve your English is to improve your English listening and speaking ability, reading and writing. We should practice every day.

If you are interested in English, you will find learning English interesting and helpful. One more thing, practice makes perfect.





A free performance Jack lives in a village because his father is very poor and Jack has little pocket money. One day, a circus came to the village. Jack liked to see the circus he wanted to go to, but he had no money after lunch.

Jack went out and slowly walked around the circus tent in the tent. The band was playing music and people were shouting. Jack was excited, so he tried to put his head first into a small hole in the tent.

Just then a guard finds Jack coming out. "Hey, this is not the entrance," he yelled, pulling him out. Then Jack goes to the back of the tent, where there is another door opening and another guard is standing.

This time Jack turned around and tried to get in with his legs. When the guard saw him, he called out, "Hey, he pushed jack into the tent so that Jack could see the circus the entrance of the pocket money band the back exit.



杰克很兴奋,于是他试着把头先伸到帐篷里的一个小洞里。就在这时,一个警卫发现杰克出来了,“嘿,这不是入口,”他喊道,把他拉了出来然后杰克走到帐篷的后面,那里有另一个门洞,另一个警卫站在那里。这次杰克转过身来,想先用腿进去,这时卫兵看到他,他喊道:“嘿,他把杰克推到帐篷里,这样杰克就可以去看马戏团了 零花钱乐队的入口 向后的出口。


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