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关于”工资高低的重要性“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The importance of high and low wages。以下是关于工资高低的重要性的八级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The importance of high and low wages

At present, self-confidence has become a kind of order in our life. It has perfected the theory that "nothing is more valuable than self-confidence". Obviously, self-confidence means trust in our ability.

If we live and work with confidence and creativity to help us succeed or dream come true, if we don't have confidence in ourselves, the possibility of success is very small and we always face failure. What's more, no one can deny the fact that confidence gives us light, when we walk in the dark, it gives us courage, when we face obstacles, we can achieve our goals in our beautiful life.




As we all know, writing is an important and necessary skill for all students. However, many students do not really understand the real importance of writing, because they only regard writing as an examination task. As far as I am concerned, writing has more important significance in many aspects.

Improving our ability of using words is a basic function of writing, for example, in order to write In a good English composition, we must use every word as carefully as possible to ensure its correctness in the process of writing. In this respect, we unconsciously improve our ability of using words and writing skills. Writing is a good way to enhance our ability.

In addition, writing is an effective way to enlarge vocabulary. Different compositions we write require different vocabularies. Therefore, the more compositions we write, the more vocabulary we get at the same time, which helps to expand our reading capacity, and is the most important.

Writing has a great contribution to our logical thinking and analytical ability. On the one hand, to write a good composition, we must systematically collect and sort out the writing materials, so as to show them in the process of processing materials We are also learning how to analyze and deal with different problems. This is also a process of training our thinking ability and forming different thinking through dealing with various compositions.

We can get in touch with more ideas and become a smart person. Writing is an important skill, especially for language learners Therefore, we should try our best to improve our writing ability and improve our overall level.





You can take a few minutes to write a short essay entitled "the importance of details" and comment on "the devil is always in the details". You can give examples to illustrate your point of view. You should write at least a few words, but not more than words the importance of details "demons are always in details" is a proverb, which means that details determine our success The point is to tell us that every detail is important enough to pay attention to.

Some people may think that people who want to achieve great success should not pay too much attention to details, but those who want to do great things right away will often be disappointed, frustrated or even failed. When "big things" appear, they are difficult to seize the opportunity because they lack the ability to handle small things. Paying attention to details may help us in many ways, for example, when we are still When we were children, we sometimes were very careless, and there were a lot of mistakes in our homework.

But if we paid more attention to these trivia, our test scores would be higher. And when we make a decision, it reduces the risk to be clear about every detail. In short, we should not underestimate the importance of details under any circumstances, because focusing on small things is the first step to success and will lay the foundation for doing great things.


这部分的说明,你可以用几分钟的时间写一篇题为“细节的重要性”的短文,评论“魔鬼总是在细节中”你可以举出例子来说明你的观点你应该至少写几个字,但不能超过字 细节的重要性 “魔鬼总是在细节中”是一句谚语,意思是细节决定我们的成功因此,这句话的目的是告诉我们,每一个细节都是足够重要的,值得关注。有些人可能会认为,想要取得巨大成功的人不应该太注意细节,但是那些想马上做大事的人会经常被失望、挫折或即使是失败,当“大事”出现的时候,他们很难抓住机会,因为他们缺乏处理小事情的能力,关注细节可能会在很多方面帮助我们,例如,当我们还是小孩子的时候,我们有时会非常粗心,家庭作业也有很多失误,但如果我们能多注意这些琐事,我们的考试成绩就会更高。而且,当我们做决定时,把每一个细节都弄清楚会减少风险。



标签: 八级 作文 真题

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