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关于”火灾里逃生“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Escape from fire。以下是关于火灾里逃生的专升本英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Escape from fire

(how to survive in a fire) now many people work in very simple buildings. It is not easy to escape from these buildings in an emergency, resulting in huge loss of life. Therefore, how to survive in case of fire is a problem related to all people.

No one knows when the fire happens, so it is very necessary to do it before the fire Ready, please check the escape way in advance to make sure you can find the escape way in the dark when the light is off. Find out where the nearest fire extinguisher is and read the instructions to use it. If the fire happens first, please don't lose your mind.

When the fire just starts, call the fire department immediately. Be careful not to be put out by smoke, because the smoke contains carbon monoxide. Cover your mouth with a wet towel or cloth to avoid entering the smoke.

Don't enter the elevator, because if you can't escape the power failure, you may be trapped in the elevator yourself. It's very important to hang something outside the window to attract others' attention. In short, if you are prepared to take precautions in case of a fire, you are likely to survive if a fire breaks out one day.





When you're sitting in a crowd, what can you do to get rid of your freedom? When you're sitting in a crowd, choose an exit that's not most people enter and plan to use it if necessary. If an emergency begins, don't enter it, keep still, let it go through, and then go to the exit you have to choose. Don't yell, speak quietly, and be calm.

Don't stop to take your hat and coat, unless they're there for smoke. Crouch's best air is three feet above the floor. When you're outside the building, stay outside.

If they don't come back to find something, many people will live. When you go out, stay away from the door so that others can go out.




In case of fire, "three musts", "you must" be familiar with your surroundings "you must" keep calm at all times "you must" prevent yourself from inhaling smoke "three escapes" use fire ladder "escape" climb down with rope, "escape" ask the outside for help "escape", "three no", "no" jump out of the elevator "no" building "no" is for greed.




标签: 专升本 英文 作文 真题

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