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关于”不同饮食“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Different diet。以下是关于不同饮食的四级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Different diet

China has a long history. In the process of the world's hundred years of Western society, China's splendid and profound food culture, while the western nation has subtle and special characteristics. From the collision, exchange and integration of Chinese and Western food culture into the whole human civilization, which is full of rich and colorful functions, the differences between Chinese and Western food culture come into being Based on the different ways of thinking and guiding philosophy between China and the west, this paper introduces a kind of idea of combining Chinese and Western culture from the aspects of diet concept, diet object, diet method, food ownership and property.




Due to the influence of climate, regional characteristics, customs and other factors, there will be cultural differences in raw materials, tastes, cooking methods and so on. The western food culture is different, and the eating habits are quite different. However, both the Western diet and the Chinese people's eating habits are reasonable and unreasonable.

They are scientific but not scientific. Their eating habits are superior. Learning from the good habits of Western diet, Chinese talents will gradually form a systematic and good eating habits and comprehensively improve their physical quality.




Now people are more and more concerned about their health, they pay more attention to their diet than before. In order to keep healthy, we should try to do the following: first, keep a correct balanced diet, that is, eat more vegetables and fruits, and eat less meat; second, we should eat less high calorie food, such as fast food and less carbonated drinks; third, we should do more exercise if we Following the guidelines, I think we'll be healthier.




标签: 四级 作文 万能 饮食

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