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关于”写的一些用词“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Some words written。以下是关于写的一些用词的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Some words written

Strangely enough, the decision to let that bastard turn left in the right lane without rolling down the window called him asshole is the determination to be a civilized society. It may be a peak time to fight the spread of waistline and cholesterol, but we also have the will to fight this rampant urban rudeness and gruesome hostility, which can't stop a nuclear holocaust or cover the homeless The roof, but it changes the shape of the community, just as lifting weights can change the shape of the human torso.




Every rebel of the guelfitch party, if they want to help Prato, they will restore their country. They increased their army by four thousand men. This powerful army was soon brought to Prato, which shocked Castro so much that he did not have the luck to try to fight and retreated to Luca.

Therefore, unrest took place in the Florence concentration camp between the nobles and the people, and the people wanted to pursue and destroy the enemy. The former is to go home, saying that they have done enough for Prato, and that they have done enough for Florence's safety. In this case, they do not regret it, but now, the necessity is no longer there.





If you love two people, choose the second, because if you really love the first, you won't love the other. Spend your life with, not with whom. Communicating doesn't mean sticking to someone when you don't have a choice.

It means maintaining a relationship with someone even if you have many choices. Why am I so afraid to lose you when you don't belong to me? You don't have to go through anything on your own, because you have me now. Don't try so hard.

The best thing happens when you least want them to love each other. It's very simple and difficult. Just like meeting you is fate, becoming your friend is a choice, but falling in love with you is beyond my control.

Every time you think about it, I realize that I'm laughing. The worst way to miss someone is to sit by him knowing you can't have them/.





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