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关于”团购的优点“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Advantages of group buying。以下是关于团购的优点的雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advantages of group buying

Since the birth of the computer, it has developed so fast. Today, we can do a lot of things in the computer, such as making friends with the computer, checking the news and so on. People like to shop online.

It not only saves time, but also saves money. The newly developed online shopping method is called group buying. Its special feature is that it provides low-cost products, because there are many People buy this product, so manufacturers still have a lot of profits, so they are willing to sell at a low price when problems arise.

Low price always means poor quality. Group buying provides customers with not so good quality. Therefore, we should be careful when we buy in group buying.




The advantages of group buying now, people like to go online shopping, we can buy anything we want, online shopping has been a big market, people not only save time, but if we want to buy things, we just need to enter the name, click the computer, then the things you want will be in front of you, there will be a lot of choices, the store has shown, different There are different prices in stores. We can choose the products with the right price. The products offered by group buying are cheap.

The reason why the prices are so low is that the quantity of products is large and the manufacturers still make a lot of money. Group buying is a good way to shop.




Now, people like to go shopping online. We can buy whatever we want. Online shopping has become a big market.

People not only save time, but also if we want to buy things, we just need to enter the name and click on the computer, then the things you want will be in front of you. There will be a lot of choices. Shops will appear, and different stores have different prices, We can choose the products with the right price and provide low-cost products.

The reason why the price is so low lies in the large number of products. The manufacturer still makes a lot of money. Group buying is a good way of shopping.




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