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关于”描述一件事“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Describe one thing。以下是关于描述一件事的初一英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Describe one thing

Today is a sunny day. When I get up in the morning, I decide to visit my grandparents. In the afternoon, my father asked me to help him water the plants.

I was glad to see the flowers smiling in the wind. In a word, today is an unforgettable day because I saw my relatives and helped people.




Last week, I met a stray dog while walking in the neighborhood. It was a cold day, no one stopped around, he looked at me helplessly, I thought what a poor dog it was, and then I decided to take it home. I gave him some food and drink to play with him, but I knew that he seemed a little sad.

He missed his master very much. What could I do? I came up with an idea, and then with the help of my father, I was at the door of our community I am very happy to see the dog and its owner go home together. I am proud to be able to help others.




When I came into the classroom last Monday, the monitor told our head teacher, Mr. Sun, that he had died in a traffic accident. It seemed unbelievable that he used to teach us on Monday morning.

I didn't accept the fact until the headmaster told us the truth. Mr. Sun is a middle-aged teacher.

He has a sense of humor. We all like him very much because he teaches very well. His classes are usually very lively and interesting.

We all like his lessons. He is an experienced teacher. Mr.

Sun will live in our hearts forever.




标签: 初一 作文 真题

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