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关于”一场考试“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:An exam。以下是关于一场考试的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:An exam

Last night, I was awakened by the hail in the middle of the night. The hail was so big that it hit my window heavily. It was more terrible than lightning.

I was afraid for a long time. The next morning, I fell asleep under the quilt. When I saw my favorite sunflowers died the day before, they were growing strong.

I hated hail.




In spring, the weather changes a lot in the morning. When I go to school by bus, the weather is very good and comfortable. But when I got to school, the sky became gray, dark clouds and thunder.

After a while, it began to rain heavily. I was worried that I didn't bring an umbrella. I worried that I couldn't go home 30 minutes after class.

The rain stopped. Soon it was sunny, the air was fresh, and the sky was clear. It was spring.




Today is my sister's wedding. I went to the hotel with my parents. At what time in the afternoon, my sister and her husband are waiting for guests in the lobby.

She is very beautiful today. I have never seen her husband. He is very handsome.

I have seen him before. He is very kind to me. The wedding starts in the afternoon.

They exchange rings, make wishes, thank their relatives and friends, and then we enjoy the wedding feast together The dishes are very delicious, and I wish them my best wishes for their everlasting love and happy life.




标签: 五年级 作文 年级 满分 范文

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