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关于”伟人“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Great man。以下是关于伟人的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Great man

·Zhou Enlai, born in March in Huai'an, Jiangsu Province, graduated from Nankai Middle School, then went to France to study Marxist theory. Later, he joined the Communist Party of China, actively engaged in work, guided the party work in Shanghai, and led the famous uprising Premier of China. He devoted himself to his work until midnight, and had no time to think about himself.

Only Premier Zhou, premier of the Chinese people, died on January 8. The whole nation felt sad for his death because he was loved by all the people. Our beloved Premier Zhou will live in the hearts of our Chinese people forever.

He was a great Marxist and a communist..




When I read the news, I am always inspired by famous great men, such as Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, whose life stories guide young people how to succeed. They tell us to do what we love to do, and the most important thing is to move on, no matter what difficulties we encounter.




Deng Xiaoping was born in Guang'an County, Sichuan Province on August 1. His family was very poor. When he was 16 years old, he went to France to fight communism.

He joined the Communist Party of China and started his revolutionary work. He did well in every war. Therefore, because he was an important leader of the Communist Party of China, when he was old, he put forward a new reform proposal to the world Since then, China has changed a way to solve the Hong Kong problem.

He put forward a good proposal with two systems. Now our country can be restored. There are many books about him, such as "a selected work of Deng Xiaoping".

Some people have read about him, and the whole world will always remember him.




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