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关于”男女不同的原因“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Reasons why men and women are different。以下是关于男女不同的原因的六级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Reasons why men and women are different

I often help my parents clean the house. I think I can help me with the housework. It's also a kind of exercise.

The summer vacation is coming. I'll go shopping, water the flowers and learn to cook delicious dishes. I think I'll have a busy and happy holiday.




Men seldom make plans. They like to go from one to Z. women seldom carry out plans, but they like to make plans one by one.

So men succeed, while women hardly succeed. I found out from a couple's conversation seat. On the train, I want to say, if you are eager to succeed, you will know men better than women.




Men and women are different. Women always worry about men's affairs. She thinks she is an expert.

She is smarter than him. She does this to love men, hate women, worry about his business, because it's his business. He thinks he can handle it well.

That's why they advocate that women marry men and want him to change, but he has never changed men, maybe women, and hope she never will Changed, but she changed, and that's why they fight. A woman can do anything for his man, under one condition, he has to listen to her and do whatever she wants him to do.




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