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关于”下学期的活动“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Activities for next semester。以下是关于下学期的活动的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Activities for next semester

Friday's after-school activities are from the afternoon to the afternoon. There are many contents, such as sports, playing basketball, table tennis and running. Interest groups include photography, painting, singing, dancing and stamp collecting.

I think every student should take an active part in these activities, because it can keep us healthy and gain a lot.




This is an introduction to our spare time activities. It's my great honor to introduce our spare time activities to you. There are all kinds of extracurricular activities in our school.

The activities start at 5:00 every day and end at 5:00 p.m., including speech contest, art festival, volunteer activities, sports meeting, etc.





Life in the future has always been a topic of discussion. Now people always use their minds to imagine what it will be like to continue to live with advanced technology. People predict that students will no longer have to go to school.

However, with computers and networks, students and teachers can learn online. In people's homes, people can always see the transportation of cars, because everyone has at least one car, People don't have to transport so much, because everything can be done at home. Robots walk on the streets, carry groceries and grocery bags in the store, providing convenience for people, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

Many people have made assumptions about what the future will be like.




标签: 英文 七年级 作文 万能 学期

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