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关于”明星的小“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Star's little。以下是关于明星的小的小升初英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Star's little

Nowadays, many young people, even celebrities in TV stations, don't want them to make so much money. The audience is very curious about the private life of celebrities. Because the program is novel and can satisfy the curiosity of the audience, the producers do not hesitate to invite famous families to perform on-site.

Therefore, the live performance has achieved great success. Many children are known by the audience, and they have become famous since childhood In order to make money, some celebrities keep their children exposed in the media all the time. When they participate in business activities, they take their children only to attract the attention of the audience and the media.

Their children have lost their childhood and missed some time for education. Children should be naive and go to school so that they can grow up in a better way.




Time in my hometown always makes me feel happy. Whenever I look up at the sky at night, I can see the shining stars. It was so bright and close to me.

I stood on the balcony, listening to music and talking to my family. This is the best time for family time. I enjoyed it very much.





: Digital song and boy and girl mother kambabi katababi katababi kadragon buteflibu today is a happy day, sunny, blue sky, clouds floating in the breeze, singing a sweet song, birds chirping, it's a good day, let's go fishing, OK, good idealism babies love singing too much A song: let's go fishing. They came to a river: Mom, I think it's a good place to fish. M: OK, I have the same idea.

Sit here okba: OK, they're concentrating on fishing. Suddenly a dragonfly: Mom, a beautiful Dragonfly: Oh, honey, be quiet. Ba: (sing a song) I'm a cat, you're a dragonfly.

You want to be with MED Play: dear cat, I'm busy with my work. I don't have time to play with you. I'm sorry.

Ba: no time, no time. I don't believe in the size of the fish. Here comes a butterfly: how are you, sister butterfly? BF: fine, thank you, and your father: fine, thank you.

It's a warm day. Let's sing and dance. Okbf: sorry, brother cat.

I'm busy with my work. Ba: work, work, nothing is more important than playing. They're idiots.

When you want to make friends with dragonflies, you don't want to play with butterflies Catch a fish like this: Oh, I see a dragonfly and a butterfly coming. D: Hello, brother cat. I'm free.

Now let's play C: Oh, no, this time I think Hi, brother cat, I can dance with you. I was fishing, kitten caught a big fish: Ha Mami caught a fish, also said: Thank you, goodbye.




标签: 小升初 英文 作文 万能

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