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关于”有心理学“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Have psychology。以下是关于有心理学的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Have psychology

As shown in the bar chart above, there are a variety of psychological problems among college students. Among them, mental depression, chores, suicide and other psychological problems are at the top of the list. This is indeed a brief explanation of the implied meaning of the above table.

On the one hand, college students encounter more psychological problems than ever before. The reason is that most college students are young and ignorant, and their learning burden is heavy On the other hand, some students are in financial difficulties, so it is necessary to carry out necessary psychological work for college students. It is shocking that at least 40% of college students suffer from mental depression.

This fact can not be ignored, and effective countermeasures must be taken to reverse the current severe situation Psychological problems should be put on our agenda. In my opinion, we should first make great efforts to ensure the healthy growth of college students. Secondly, we should fully realize the necessity of psychological counseling among college students.

In addition, government departments and relevant departments at all levels should make joint efforts to create a more relaxed environment for college students In order to get good development.




Change detection is an ability to perceive changes in the world around us, which is very important in our daily life, for example, to notice a person walk into a room, cope with traffic conditions, or watch a kitten running under a table. However, although change detection is ubiquitous in our life, it is surprising that it has only recently proved to be very difficult to study in various ways The term "change detection" mainly refers to the visual process involved when a change is first noticed. It not only indicates that the detection is correct (i.e., the observer reports the existence of the change), but also means recognition (reporting what the change is) and positioning (reporting the perception of the dynamic pattern itself (such as motion perception) is not here It is discussed in detail, because this itself involves a series of daunting issues (see also Jacobs et al., focusing on behavioral measurement and its interpretation, rather than on the underlying nervous system restricted by this.

Change detection may seem to be a fairly simple process. However, empirical studies have repeatedly demonstrated that, as observers, we tend to recognize that For example, if the change is large enough, we can immediately detect any of the previous changes (however, Levin et al., which is not the case: in a variety of situations, we can surprisingly turn a blind eye to changes, even if they are large, repeated and anticipated (for comments, see Rensink a, Simons & Levin, this change blindness (Rensink et al al.,Rensink et As our ability to detect change reveals some sensing mechanisms, our ability to detect change also illuminates other sensing mechanisms. The research on change detection can be roughly divided into three stages: the first stage occurs in the middle and the middle, including the change of lattice position by French Hochberg's face changes, which usually occur in a few second intervals.

At the same time, ditchburns and Wallach & Lewis et al. Investigated eye movement (or saccade) displacement.


变化检测是对我们周围世界的变化的一种感知能力在我们的日常生活中很重要,例如,注意到一个人走进房间,应付交通状况,或者看着小猫在桌子下奔跑,然而,尽管变化检测在我们的生活中无处不在,令人惊讶的是,直到最近才证明研究起来非常困难,各种方法在它是什么以及在这里是如何进行的方面开始趋同,术语“变化检测”主要涉及首次注意到变化时所涉及的视觉过程,它不仅表示检测正确(即观察者报告变化的存在),还表示识别(报告变化是什么)和定位(报告动态模式本身的感知(如运动知觉)在这里没有详细讨论,因为这本身就涉及一系列令人生畏的问题(同样,参见Jacobs等人,重点是行为测量及其解释,而不是对受此限制的底层神经系统的研究,变化检测看起来可能是一个相当简单的过程,然而,经验研究已经反复证明了,例如,作为观察者,我们倾向于认为,如果变化足够大,我们可以立即检测到前面的任何变化(然而,Levin等人,事实并非如此:在各种各样的情况下,我们可以令人惊讶地对变化视而不见,即使它们是巨大的、反复做出的和预期的(关于评论,请参见Rensink a,Simons&Levin,this change blindness(Rensink et al.,Rensink et al.是一个引人注目的现象,一个经常充当变化检测的反面:正如我们检测变化的能力揭示了一些感知机制,我们检测不到变化的能力也照亮了其他感知机制一样,变化检测的研究可以大致分为三个阶段第一阶段,大致发生在中间和中间,包括French关于点阵位置的变化,Hochberg关于脸的变化,变化通常发生在几秒钟的时间间隔内。与此同时,Ditchburns和Wallach&Lewiss等研究调查了眼球运动(或眼跳)时的位移。


In the current cognitive emotion theory, emotional experience is described as a special cognitive structure. Two research reports have verified the meaning of this theory, that is, the intuitive similarity of predicting emotions or emotional states corresponds to the similarity between these structures. The subjects were asked to score multiple emotions or emotional words to obtain the cognitive structure of different emotional assessment profiles.

There is a high correlation between the results of the emotional adjective questionnaire and the word segmentation task. Exploratory analysis confirmed the importance of several evaluation components discussed in the literature, and provided preliminary evidence for some evaluation components. In addition, in the third study, we explored the hypothesis that the cognitive structure of emotion also includes the representation of action readiness, and the memory or imagination experience of emotional words used in the study was conducted according to the action preparation mode When assigning action preparation model to emotion, there is a strong correlation between specific assessment mode and specific form of action preparation similarity.

The similarity in the action preparation file is consistent with the similarity of evaluation mode and the index of intuitive similarity DF.





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